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Optimizing Your B2B Sales Funnel in HubSpot: Essential Metrics for Next-Level Performance

Dmytro Chervonyi

CMO at Forecastio

Aug 16, 2024

Aug 16, 2024

Aug 16, 2024

Aug 16, 2024

10 Min

Optimizing Your B2B Sales Funnel in HubSpot: Essential Metrics for Next-Level Performance
Optimizing Your B2B Sales Funnel in HubSpot: Essential Metrics for Next-Level Performance
Optimizing Your B2B Sales Funnel in HubSpot: Essential Metrics for Next-Level Performance
Optimizing Your B2B Sales Funnel in HubSpot: Essential Metrics for Next-Level Performance

Did you know that an optimized sales funnel can lead to a 16% higher deal win rate? In today's competitive B2B market, a strong sales team is essential. It's not just an advantage—it's a necessity. But how do you ensure your funnel is performing at its peak? The answer lies in the metrics.

B2B companies using HubSpot must optimize their sales funnel to boost revenue. By tracking key metrics, you can spot problems, improve processes, and close more deals. This guide will cover the essential metrics to elevate your sales funnel, all within HubSpot's ecosystem.

Table of contents:

  1. Understanding the B2B sales funnel

  2. Essential metrics for B2B sales funnel optimization

  3. Analyzing funnel performance using these metrics

  4. Leveraging HubSpot and Forecastio for sales pipeline analytics

  5. Optimizing your sales funnel using HubSpot with Forecastio insights

  6. Real-time insights with Forecastio

  7. Conclusion

Understanding the B2B sales funnel

Before we delve into the metrics, let's refresh our understanding of the B2B sales funnel. At its core, the B2B sales funnel is a visual representation of the buyer's journey, from initial awareness to the final buy decision. B2B funnels differ from B2C ones. They have longer sales cycles, multiple decision-makers, and higher-value transactions.

A typical B2B sales funnel consists of the following stages:

  1. Awareness: Prospects become aware of your product or service.

  2. Interest: They express interest and engage with your content.

  3. Consideration: Prospects evaluate your offering against alternatives.

  4. Intent: They show a clear intention to purchase.

  5. Evaluation: Final assessment and negotiation take place.

  6. Purchase: The deal is closed.

Optimizing this funnel is critical for B2B companies aiming to scale. A good funnel ensures efficient lead nurturing, faster sales, and higher conversions. This is where HubSpot comes into play.

HubSpot's CRM has powerful tools for managing and improving your B2B sales funnel at every stage. HubSpot is your all-in-one tool for sales and marketing. It handles lead capture, nurturing, deal tracking, and customer retention. Its analytics can track key metrics at each funnel stage. This enables data-driven decisions that can boost your bottom line.

Use HubSpot's features and the right metrics. You will gain insights into your funnel's performance and find areas to improve. Next, we will explore the key metrics to boost your B2B sales funnel.

Essential metrics for B2B sales funnel optimization

To optimize your B2B sales funnel, focus on sales key performance indicators (KPIs). They provide useful insights. Let's break down these metrics by funnel stage and examine their impact on your overall sales strategy.

B2B marketing & sales funnel

1. Lead generation metrics

  • Website traffic and sources: It measures the volume and origin of potential leads. This helps you see which channels are best at driving traffic to your site.

  • Conversion rate: The percentage of visitors who take a desired action (e.g., filling out a form). This metric helps gauge the effectiveness of your landing pages and calls to action.

  • Cost per lead: It helps assess your marketing spend. It calculates the average cost of acquiring a new lead.

2. Lead qualification metrics

  • Lead scoring: A system that assigns values to leads. It reflects their likelihood of converting. This helps prioritize follow-ups and focus resources on the most promising prospects.

  • MQL to SQL ratio: It measures how well marketing-qualified leads become sales-qualified ones. It shows the alignment between the marketing and sales teams.

3. Opportunity creation metrics

  • New deals created: Quantifies the number of new opportunities entering your pipeline. This metric helps gauge the effectiveness of your lead generation and qualification processes.

  • New deals amount: Represents the total potential value of newly created opportunities. It provides insight into the overall health and potential of your pipeline.

  • Average deal size: Calculates the mean value of deals in your pipeline. An increase in this metric can indicate a shift to higher-value opportunities or better upselling.

4. Sales velocity metrics

  • Sales cycle length: Measures the average time it takes to close a deal from first contact. A longer sales cycle might indicate more complex deals or inefficiencies in the sales process.

  • Win rate: The percentage of opportunities that result in closed-won deals. This metric is crucial for forecasting and identifying areas for improvement in your sales process.

  • Sales velocity: A metric that measures how quickly you're generating revenue. It combines deal value, win rate, sales cycle length, and the number of opportunities.

5. Funnel performance metrics

  • Closed deals amount: Represents the total value of successfully closed deals. This metric directly impacts your bottom line and helps evaluate the effectiveness of your entire sales funnel.

  • Pipeline growth rate: Measures the rate at which your pipeline is expanding or contracting. A positive rate means a healthy, growing pipeline. A negative rate may signal issues with lead generation or qualification.

Analyzing funnel performance using these metrics

Tracking and analyzing these metrics will provide insights into the health and performance of your B2B sales funnel.

  1. Lead quality and quantity: Combine lead gen metrics with qualification rates. This ensures you attract the right kind of prospects, not just traffic.

  2. Deal flow and value: Use opportunity creation metrics to assess both the volume and quality of deals entering your pipeline. An increase in average deal size, coupled with steady or increasing new deals created, indicates a positive trend.

  3. Sales efficiency: Analyze sales velocity metrics to identify bottlenecks in your process. A longer sales cycle or lower win rate may signal a need for better sales training or nurturing strategies.

  4. Overall funnel health: Look at the closed deals amount and pipeline growth rate together. Ideally, you want to see both metrics trending upward, indicating not only current success but also future potential.

To optimize your B2B sales funnel based on these metrics, consider the following strategies:

  • Refine your ideal customer profile to focus on prospects that are likely to yield higher deal values and faster close rates.

  • Implement targeted lead nurturing campaigns to shorten the sales cycle and improve win rates.

  • Invest in top-of-funnel activities if your pipeline growth rate is stagnant or negative.

  • Analyze each stage of your funnel to identify and address bottlenecks that may be impacting sales velocity.

Leveraging HubSpot and Forecastio for sales pipeline analytics

HubSpot has a great CRM for managing the customer journey. But, it's hard to get insights for your sales pipeline. This is where Forecastio comes in. It provides ready-to-use analytics for your sales pipeline.

HubSpot: A powerful but complex tool for sales analytics

HubSpot's extensive capabilities come with certain challenges when focusing on sales pipeline metrics:

  1. Broad focus: HubSpot's analytics tools cover the entire customer lifecycle. This can make it hard to focus on sales pipeline specifics.

  2. Custom report complexity: Creating sales pipeline reports takes time and HubSpot expertise.

  3. Data overload: With so much data available, identifying the most crucial sales pipeline KPIs can be overwhelming.

Forecastio: Focused insights for sales stages

Forecastio complements HubSpot. It gives instant, focused insights into your B2B funnel's sales stages.

  1. Sales focus: Forecastio specializes in sales-stage analytics. It offers metrics that matter most to sales leaders.

  2. Instant accessibility: Critical sales metrics are ready to use. There's no need to create custom dashboards.

  3. Real-time updates: Sales stage metrics update in real time. You will always have the latest data for decision-making.

Key metrics provided by Forecastio

Forecastio provides instant access to key metrics for the sales stages of your B2B funnel, including:

  1. Win rate: Measure the conversion of opportunities into closed deals with precision.

  2. Average deal size: Monitor the typical value of opportunities in your funnel.

  3. Sales cycle length: Know the time it takes to move opportunities through the sales stages.

  4. Sales velocity: Measure how quickly potential deals are moving through your sales process.

  5. New opportunities created: Track the number of new deals in the sales stages.

  6. Closed won amount: Track the total value of successfully closed deals.

Synergy of HubSpot and Forecastio

By using Forecastio alongside HubSpot, you optimize your entire B2B sales funnel:

  • Use HubSpot to manage the entire funnel, from leads to customer success.

  • Use Forecastio for real-time, deep insights into the critical sales stages of the funnel.

This combination allows you to:

  1. Optimize the entire funnel: Use HubSpot for top-of-funnel and post-sale work. Use Forecastio's insights to improve your sales process.

  2. Improve sales and marketing alignment: Share real-time sales metrics with your marketing team. This will ensure cohesive strategies for optimizing the funnel.

  3. Make data-driven decisions: Use key sales metrics to quickly adjust your strategies. This will improve your funnel's performance.

Strategies for optimizing your B2B sales funnel using HubSpot and Forecastio insights

Now that we know how HubSpot and Forecastio work together, let's explore ways to optimize your B2B sales funnel, as they provide insights into it. By leveraging the strengths of both platforms, you can create a more efficient and effective sales process.

1. Top of funnel optimization (HubSpot focus)

While Forecastio specializes in sales stages, HubSpot excels at managing the top of the funnel. Use HubSpot's insights to:

  • Refine lead generation: Analyze traffic sources and conversion rates. Find the best channels for attracting quality leads.

  • Improve lead scoring: Use HubSpot's behavior tracking to build better lead scores. This will ensure only the best leads reach the sales team.

  • Enhance content strategy: Use HubSpot's content metrics to improve your top-of-funnel content. Make it more engaging for your ideal customers.

2. Middle of funnel optimization (HubSpot + Forecastio)

As leads move into the sales process, combine insights from both platforms:

  • Streamline lead nurturing: Use HubSpot's automation tools to create personalized nurturing sequences, then track their impact on opportunity creation rates in Forecastio.

  • Optimize sales handoff: Check the MQL to SQL conversion rate in HubSpot. Also, check Forecastio new opportunities metric. This will ensure a smooth transition from marketing to sales.

  • Refine opportunity stages: Use Forecastio's sales insights to find bottlenecks in your sales process. Then, adjust your HubSpot pipeline stages.

3. Bottom of funnel optimization (Forecastio focus)

Leverage Forecastio's real-time insights to fine-tune your closing processes:

  • Improve win rates: Analyze win rate insights across different opportunities, sales reps, or sources. Monitor bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

  • Pipeline health monitoring: Utilize Forecastio pipeline analysis to maintain an optimal pipeline-to-quota ratio, ensuring a healthy balance of opportunities at each stage of the sales process.

  • Speed up sales velocity: Use Forecastio's insights to find deals moving too slowly. Then, create strategies to fix them.

4. Cross-funnel strategies

Implement these strategies that span the entire funnel:

  • Align sales and marketing: Use insights from HubSpot and Forecastio. Ensure marketing generates leads that convert well in sales.

  • Continuous training and improvement: Regularly review key metrics from both platforms. This will identify areas where your team needs more training or process improvements.

  • Forecasting and resource allocation: Use HubSpot top-of-funnel metrics with Forecastio sales forecasts. This will improve revenue forecasts and resource allocation.

5. Leverage AI and automation 

Both HubSpot and Forecastio offer AI-powered features. Use them to:

  • Predictive lead scoring: Implement HubSpot AI-driven lead scoring to prioritize leads more effectively.

  • Sales process optimization: Forecastio’s AI detects issues in your pipeline. Fix them to boost sales efficiency.

  • Automated reporting: Set up automated reports and alerts in both systems. This will keep stakeholders updated with the most relevant information.

6. Iterative improvement

Remember, funnel optimization is an ongoing process:

  • Regularly review the metrics from HubSpot and Forecastio. This will help you find trends and areas for improvement.

  • Use A/B testing at various funnel stages. Use HubSpot for top-of-funnel experiments. Track its impact on closed deals in Forecastio.

  • Ask your sales and marketing teams for feedback. Find out which insights they value most. Then, adjust your dashboards and reports based on their input.

Utilize these strategies and HubSpot and Forecastio's strengths to optimize your B2B sales funnel. This will boost revenue and efficiency.

Real-time insights with Forecastio

HubSpot has a complete platform for managing your B2B sales funnel. Forecastio offers specialized, real-time insights and highly accurate sales forecasting. They can greatly improve your sales process. Let's explore the key benefits of integrating Forecastio into your sales tech stack:

  1. Instant access to critical sales metrics: Forecastio provides instant access to key sales metrics. It eliminates the need for complex report building. This allows sales leaders to focus on strategy rather than data compilation.

  2. Focused sales analytics: HubSpot covers the entire customer journey. Forecastio, though, focuses on the sales process. This approach gives deeper insights into your sales team's performance and pipeline health.

  3. Intuitive visualizations: Forecastio presents complex sales data in easy-to-understand visual formats. No matter what level of sales analytics expertise team members have, they can easily grasp key insights.

  4. Streamlined sales meetings: With Forecastio's real-time dashboards, sales meetings become more productive. Teams can spend less time reporting numbers and more time discussing strategies and action plans.

  5. Accurate sales forecasts: Forecastio's AI and machine learning give better sales forecasts than HubSpot's forecasting tools. Forecastio helps businesses decide on resource allocation. It does this by analyzing historical data, current pipeline info, and external factors. With this, they can set targets and adjust strategies to meet revenue goals.

  6. Seamless HubSpot integration: Forecastio works perfectly with HubSpot. It boosts its features without disrupting your workflows. This integration provides a more comprehensive view of your sales funnel performance.


Optimizing your B2B sales funnel is a never-ending task. It needs both robust management tools and specialized analytics. HubSpot is great for managing your customer journey. But adding Forecastio's real-time sales insights can elevate your sales process.

By using HubSpot's broad funnel management and Forecastio's sales analytics, you can:

  1. Gain a more comprehensive understanding of your entire sales funnel.

  2. Make data-driven decisions with greater speed and accuracy.

  3. Identify and address bottlenecks in your sales process more efficiently.

  4. Improve alignment between the marketing and sales teams.

  5. Enhance the productivity of your sales meetings and strategy sessions.

Remember, the key to successful funnel optimization lies not just in having the right tools, but in how you use them. Regularly review your metrics, test new sales strategies, and always be ready to adapt based on the insights you gain.

Using HubSpot and Forecastio, you give your team vital insights. They can then refine and improve your B2B sales funnel. This data-driven approach will help you close more deals, increase your average deal size, and ultimately drive sustainable growth for your business.

Are you ready to take your B2B sales funnel to the next level? 

First, check your metrics and data quality in HubSpot. Then, see how Forecastio can provide the real-time sales insights you need to optimize your sales process and drive results.

Dmytro Chervonyi

CMO at Forecastio


Dmytro is a seasoned marketing professional with over 10 years in the B2B and startup ecosystem. He is passionate about helping companies better plan their revenue goals, improve forecast accuracy, and proactively address performance bottlenecks or seize growth opportunities.

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