HubSpot Integration

HubSpot Integration

Best HubSpot integrations to supercharge your sales team

Dmytro Chervonyi

CMO at Forecastio

Aug 22, 2024

Aug 22, 2024

Aug 22, 2024

Aug 22, 2024

11 Min

Best HubSpot integrations to supercharge your sales team
Best HubSpot integrations to supercharge your sales team
Best HubSpot integrations to supercharge your sales team
Best HubSpot integrations to supercharge your sales team

In B2B sales, being ahead of the game isn’t just nice to have, it’s necessary. As a sales leader or revenue ops specialist, you seek to streamline, boost productivity, and drive more revenue through your HubSpot account. Enter HubSpot Sales Hub, the CRM that’s become the foundation of many B2B sales operations. But here’s the thing: HubSpot’s real power is unlocked when it’s connected to a selection of handpicked tools.

A digital workspace improves communication and productivity. It connects tools and teams. This enables collaboration and efficient task management, all without switching apps.

In this post, we’re going in deep on HubSpot integrations. We’ll show you how these integrations can transform your sales processes, supercharge your team, and give you an edge in today’s B2B world. This post is your guide to getting the most from HubSpot integrations. It’s for VPs of Sales looking to optimize their funnels, and for Sales Ops experts tuning their tech stacks.

So sit back and supercharge your sales ops. By the end of this, you’ll have a clear roadmap to building a HubSpot-centered sales stack that meets modern B2B sales requirements and exceeds them. Let’s get started and see how the right integrations can fuel your sales team to fly higher.

Table of contents:

  1. The integration advantage: Sales efficiency

  2. HubSpot integrations by sales function

  3. Get the most out of HubSpot Sales Hub integrations

  4. Spotlight on Forecastio: enhancing HubSpot's capabilities

  5. Conclusion

The integration advantage: Sales efficiency

Efficiency isn’t just a buzzword in B2B sales—it’s the lifeblood of success. Integrating your HubSpot CRM with marketing analytics tools can transform raw customer data into actionable insights, further optimizing your sales processes. To boost your sales team’s efficiency, integrate your HubSpot CRM with other top sales tools. This will optimize sales processes and improve customer engagement. Here are some stats and examples. They show that integrated sales stacks are unbeatable.

Integration's impact on productivity

  1. Time savings that add up

Forrester says that integrated CRM systems, including HubSpot workflows, save sales teams an average of 4 hours a week per rep. For a team of 20, that’s 4,160 hours a year—equivalent to two full-time employees!

  1. Faster deal closure

Aberdeen Group found that integrated sales tools boost customer retention by 36% and sales forecast accuracy by 38%.

  1. ROI that’s loud and clear

Nucleus Research found CRM integrations deliver $8.71 for every dollar spent. That’s an 871% ROI, one of the highest returns on investment in your sales tech stack. Source: Nucleus Research, "CRM Technology Value Matrix"

Real-world pain points solved by smart HubSpot integration

  1. Data silos

Problem: Critical info is spread across platforms. This causes incomplete customer views and missed opportunities.

Solution: HubSpot integration that syncs data in real-time across your tech stack. This gives every team member a 360-degree view of all prospects and customers.

  1. Data entry time sucks

Problem: Sales reps spend hours on data entry instead of selling.

Solution: Automate data capture and sync tools. This lets reps focus on high-value tasks like building relationships and closing deals. Integrations like HubSpot forms can improve engagement and data collection.

  1. Forecasting headaches

Problem: Inaccurate sales forecasts mean misaligned resources and missed targets.

Solution: Use advanced integrations like Forecastio. They use AI and machine learning to provide hyper-accurate forecasts. They base these on real-time data from your sales CRM.

  1. Collaboration

Problem: Disconnected communication tools mean missed follow-ups and disjointed customer experiences.

Solution: Integrated communication platforms. They keep everything connected from first touch to closed-won and beyond.

  1. Analytics blind spot

Problem: No actionable insights because of fragmented data sources.

Solution: Tools to analyze sales data from your entire stack. They provide actionable insights to drive decisions.

By solving these pain points, B2B sales teams can create a smooth, efficient workflow. This will boost productivity and the customer experience.

So what?

Faster sales cycles, higher win rates, and a sales team that can perform at their best.

HubSpot integrations by sales function

In today’s high-pressure B2B sales world, the right tools are crucial. They can be the difference between closing a deal and losing it. The HubSpot platform is key to streamlining business operations. It does this through various integrations.

With so many HubSpot integrations, how can you know which ones will help your team? Let’s break it down by sales function. We’ll look at the integrations that will turn your HubSpot CRM into a revenue-generating machine.

Communication and team collaboration

These integrations keep internal communication and team alignment on deals in check. They enable scheduling and launching meetings from HubSpot. It logs call details and syncs meeting notes to HubSpot records.

Communication and team collaboration HubSpot integrations

Slack HubSpot integration

  • Streamline internal communication and keep your team in sync on deals in real-time.

  • Share HubSpot data in Slack channels so everyone’s on the same page.

Zoom HubSpot integration

  • Schedule and launch Zoom meetings from HubSpot.

  • Log call details and recordings to your HubSpot CRM.

Google Meet HubSpot integration

  • Connect your Google Workspace to HubSpot for seamless meeting scheduling and attendance tracking.

  • Sync meeting notes and action items to your HubSpot contact records.

Email and outreach optimization

These tools bring HubSpot into your inbox. You can track, log, and access HubSpot data without leaving your email client. They also offer advanced sequencing and analytics. They boost sales engagement and multi-channel outreach campaigns.

Gmail HubSpot integration

  • Track email opens, clicks, and replies from your Gmail inbox.

  • Log emails to HubSpot with one click so you have complete communication records.

Outlook HubSpot integration

  • Bring HubSpot into your Outlook inbox for email tracking and logging.

  • Access HubSpot contact data and templates from Outlook.

Outreach HubSpot integration

  • Supercharge your sales engagement with sequencing and analytics.

  • Sync contact data between HubSpot and Outreach for a single view of your prospects.

SalesLoft HubSpot integration

  • Run multi-channel outreach campaigns while keeping HubSpot as your source of truth.

  • Use SalesLoft’s cadence with HubSpot’s contact data.

Document management and e-signatures

These integrations let you send, track, and manage e-signatures from within HubSpot deals. They let you create and send proposals and contracts in HubSpot. You can track document views and signatures in real-time.

DocuSign HubSpot integration

  • Send, track, and manage e-signatures from HubSpot deals.

  • Update deal stages when documents are signed so your pipeline stays up to date.

PandaDoc HubSpot integration

  • Create and send proposals and contracts in HubSpot without leaving.

  • Track document views and signatures in real-time and sync them back to your CRM.

Financial operations and billing

These tools sync invoice and payment data between HubSpot and your financial software. They save you from entering data twice and reduce billing errors. They also allow you to process payments and subscription management in HubSpot.

Financial operations and billing HubSpot integrations

QuickBooks HubSpot integration

  • Sync invoice and payment data between HubSpot and QuickBooks for financial reporting.

  • Eliminate double data entry and reduce billing errors

Stripe HubSpot integration

  • Process payments and manage subscriptions in HubSpot.

  • Update deal stages and contact properties based on payment status.

Sales intelligence and prospecting

These integrations bring powerful networking insights, data enrichment, and prospecting tools into HubSpot. They help you find and prioritize high-value prospects.

LinkedIn sales navigator HubSpot integration

  • Get access to LinkedIn’s network and insights within HubSpot.

  • Sync InMail communications and connection status to your CRM.

ZoomInfo HubSpot integration

  • Enrich your HubSpot contacts with ZoomInfo’s B2B database.

  • Identify and prioritize high-value prospects based on intent data and firmographics.

Apollo HubSpot integration

  • Use Apollo’s prospecting tools and data enrichment within HubSpot.

  • Automate outreach sequences while keeping data in sync between both platforms.

Meeting scheduling and lead qualification

These tools let prospects book meetings directly on your team’s calendars from HubSpot. It will improve customer connections and raise conversion rates. They also provide real-time lead qualification, routing, and meeting booking. They report back to HubSpot.

Calendly HubSpot integration

  • Let prospects book meetings directly on your team’s calendars from HubSpot.

  • Create or update HubSpot records when meetings are scheduled.

Chili Piper HubSpot integration

  • Qualify, route and book meetings with leads in real-time.

  • Sync meeting data and attendee info back to HubSpot for reporting.

Calling and phone systems

These integrations let you make and receive calls from HubSpot. They will log the calls automatically. They use AI-powered dialing to increase team efficiency and log call outcomes in HubSpot.

Aircall HubSpot integration

  • Make calls from HubSpot, with automatic call logs.

  • See call analytics and recordings in your CRM.

Orum HubSpot integration

  • Use AI-powered parallel dialing to increase team calling efficiency.

  • Log call outcomes and conversations in HubSpot.

Meeting intelligence and conversation analytics

These tools analyze sales calls and meetings to find winning behaviors and give you coaching insights. Integrating conversation analytics tools with HubSpot can boost prospect engagement and conversion rates. They collect conversation data, transcribe and summarize meetings, and analyze them. Key points and action items sync back to HubSpot.

Gong HubSpot integration

  • Analyze sales calls and meetings to find winning behaviors and coach your team.

  • Sync call recordings and AI-generated insights to HubSpot.

Fathom HubSpot integration

  • Transcribe and summarize meetings, sync key points to HubSpot.

  • Identify action items and next steps, update HubSpot tasks and deal stages.

Fireflies HubSpot integration

  • Transcribe and analyze meetings across multiple platforms, integrate insights with HubSpot.

  • Search and retrieve information from past conversations within your CRM.

Sales forecasting and revenue intelligence

These integrations improve HubSpot's native forecasting. They use AI for predictive analytics and advanced reporting. They provide real-time sales performance and pipeline health. You can customize dashboards for a deep dive.

Forecastio HubSpot integration

  • Add AI-powered predictive analytics to HubSpot’s native forecasting.

  • Generate super accurate forecasts by looking at historical data and current pipeline.

  • See real-time sales performance and pipeline health.

InsightSquared HubSpot integration

  • Integrate advanced analytics and forecasting with HubSpot data.

  • Customize dashboards and reports for deep dive sales performance.

Sales performance management

These tools track individual and team sales metrics in real time. They also sync with HubSpot activities. They analyze sales interactions to find winning behaviors and integrate conversation intelligence with HubSpot data for tracking engagement, and enhancing marketing efforts.

Sales performance management HubSpot integrations

Forecastio HubSpot integration

  • Track individual and team metrics in real-time, and sync with HubSpot activities.

  • Set and measure KPIs, and give your team actionable insights to improve sales. HubSpot integration

  • Analyze sales calls and meetings to find winning behaviors and coach your team.

  • Integrate conversation intelligence with HubSpot data for performance tracking.

Sales planning and strategy

These integrations leverage AI-driven insights for optimized sales planning and quota setting. They enhance HubSpot’s reporting with advanced analytics and machine learning. This improves forecasting and aids strategic decisions.

Forecastio HubSpot integration

  • Use AI-driven insights for sales planning and quota setting.

  • Model what-if scenarios with HubSpot data as the base.

Kluster HubSpot integration

  • Add advanced analytics to HubSpot reporting for sales planning.

  • Use machine learning to improve forecasting and inform strategy.

Sales insights and analytics

These tools provide insight into sales processes. They find bottlenecks and areas to optimize. They give you a full view of pipeline and team performance. They also give you custom dashboards to visualize sales metrics and KPIs from HubSpot and other integrated systems.

Forecastio HubSpot integration

  • Get deep visibility into your sales processes, and find bottlenecks and optimization opportunities.

  • Give sales leaders a full view of pipeline and team performance.

Databox HubSpot integration

  • Create dashboards that pull data from HubSpot and other integrated systems.

  • Visualize sales metrics and KPIs to make data-driven decisions.

By integrating these tools with your HubSpot Sales Hub, you're not just adding features. You're building a powerful, efficient sales ecosystem.

Get the most out of HubSpot Sales Hub integrations

Unlock your HubSpot Sales Hub's full potential by strategically leveraging integrations. Start with powerful tools, then implement them wisely. Maximize returns on your tech investments through smart integration tactics.

Strategic deployment of sales tools can boost your HubSpot efficiency and effectiveness. Thoughtful integration maximizes your sales tech stack's impact, driving better results. Make the most of your HubSpot integrations with careful planning and execution.

Implementation best practices

  1. Start with a clear strategy.

  • Define specific goals for each HubSpot integration. What pain points are you addressing?

  • Align integrations with your overall sales process and business objectives.

  1. Prioritize based on impact

  • Begin with integrations that address your most pressing challenges or offer the quickest wins.

  • Consider the potential time savings and revenue impact of each integration.

  1. Ensure clean data

  • Before integrating, clean up your HubSpot data to prevent syncing issues.

  • Establish data hygiene protocols to maintain consistency across integrated platforms.

  1. Involve key stakeholders

  • Get buy-in from sales leadership and end-users early in the process.

  • Incorporate feedback from your team to ensure integrations meet real-world needs.

  1. Plan for training and adoption

  • Develop a comprehensive training program for each new HubSpot integration.

  • Create user guides and best practices documentation to support ongoing adoption.

Measuring success

To ensure your integrations deliver value, it's crucial to track the right metrics:

  1. Time savings

  • Monitor reductions in manual data entry and administrative tasks.

  • Track improvements in response times and deal velocity.

  1. Data quality and completeness

  • Measure customer data accuracy and depth post-integration.

  • Track reduction in duplicate or conflicting data entries.

  1. User adoption rates

  • Monitor how frequently your team uses each integration.

  • Survey users for satisfaction and perceived value of integrations.

  1. Sales performance metrics

  • Track changes in key metrics like win rates, deal sizes, and sales cycle length.

  • Measure forecast accuracy improvements

  1. ROI calculation

  • Compare the cost of each integration with its benefits, like increased revenue or time saved.

  • Factor in both direct costs (subscription fees) and indirect costs (implementation time, training).

Spotlight on Forecastio: enhancing HubSpot's capabilities

HubSpot has great CRM capabilities. But, Forecastio excels at sales forecasting and performance management. This tool complements HubSpot Sales Hub by solving sales prediction and strategy. Let’s look at Forecastio’s features and benefits for HubSpot users.

Why integrate HubSpot with Forecastio

Why integrate HubSpot with Forecastio

When you combine Forecastio’s AI forecasting with HubSpot’s data the results are game-changing for your sales team. Here are the benefits:

Much better forecast accuracy

The biggest benefit of using Forecastio with HubSpot is the massive improvement in forecast accuracy. Using HubSpot's sales data and Forecastio, sales teams can generate far more accurate forecasts than with traditional methods or CRM forecasting tools. This means more effective resource allocation and more confident strategic planning at the executive level.

Single sales dashboard for more efficiency

Forecastio gives you a single, easy-to-use dashboard that brings all your HubSpot sales data together. This view shows real-time metrics on pipeline health, deal progress, team performance, and KPIs.

Sales leaders can see the state of their sales operations, spot trends, and identify issues before they become problems. Forecastio's dashboard saves you time on data analysis. You won't have to switch between multiple reports or platforms. So, you can focus on strategy and team management.

Multi-dimensional insights for better decision-making

Forecastio goes beyond forecasting. It provides insights into your sales operations. The platform analyzes data on individual sales rep performance so you can see who’s performing and who needs help.

Forecastio also gives you insights into sales velocity, deal size trends, and win rates by segment. This gives you a full view of your business. These insights enable data-driven decisions on everything from territory planning to sales process optimization.

Sales strategy with scenario modeling

Forecastio’s integration with HubSpot goes beyond data sync to give you strategic planning tools. The platform’s what-if scenario planning feature lets you model different scenarios and their outcomes. Want to see how changing your sales team structure affects revenue? Or how changing conversions in your pipeline will impact revenue?

Forecastio lets you simulate these scenarios using your HubSpot data. This gives you realistic projections to inform your decisions. This turns sales planning into a data-driven exercise, not a guessing game.


In today’s competitive business world, the right tools make all the difference in your sales performance. HubSpot is a solid CRM. But, it can only take your sales ops so far. Integrating it with tools like Forecastio will take them to the next level.

By combining HubSpot’s data with Forecastio’s features you’re not just forecasting the future you’re shaping it for your business.

Ready to level up your sales strategy? Don’t just take our word for it. Book a demo today.

Dmytro Chervonyi

CMO at Forecastio


Dmytro is a seasoned marketing professional with over 10 years in the B2B and startup ecosystem. He is passionate about helping companies better plan their revenue goals, improve forecast accuracy, and proactively address performance bottlenecks or seize growth opportunities.

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