Revenue Operations

Revenue Operations

20 Must-Track Sales KPIs for B2B Sales Leaders

Dmytro Chervonyi

Dmytro Chervonyi

CMO at Forecastio

Apr 3, 2024

10 Min

Sales KPIs
Sales KPIs
Sales KPIs
Sales KPIs

Tracking the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) could mean the difference between stagnation and thriving.

This article unpacks various types of sales KPIs crucial for any sales leader aiming to optimize their team's performance and align efforts with broader business objectives.

Types of sales metrics and KPIs

1. Strategic KPIs

Strategic KPIs are high-level metrics that directly align with the company's overarching goals and strategic plans, such as Annual Revenue Growth, Market Penetration, and Customer Value.

Importance: These KPIs serve as north stars, guiding the sales teams to drive efforts that mesh seamlessly with long-term business objectives, such as revenue targets, market expansion goals, and customer acquisition costs.

2. Tactical KPIs

Tactical KPIs measure the effectiveness of specific sales strategies and are often mid-level indicators such as Win Rate, Sales Cycle Length, Average Deal Size, etc.

Importance: These are critical for assessing sales operations efficiency and are instrumental in fine-tuning sales processes and methodologies to achieve strategic outcomes.

3. Operational KPIs

Operational KPIs focus on the day-to-day operations of the sales team, assessing sales efficiency and effectiveness.

Importance: They are pivotal for streamlining operations, reducing costs, and improving overall sales cycle efficiency, from lead response times to conversion rates.

4. Behavioral/Activity-based KPIs

These KPIs track the individual activities of sales representatives, such as call frequency, appointment setting, and follow-up rates.

Importance: Activity-based KPIs are vital for managing sales performance on an individual level, offering granular insights that help in coaching and developing sales reps. These KPIs facilitate personalized performance improvement plans and reward activities that drive sales.

5. Customer-centric KPIs

These metrics evaluate customer engagement, satisfaction, and retention — factors crucial for sustainable growth such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer lifetime value (CLV), and customer acquisition cost (CAC).

Importance: Understanding customer relationships and satisfaction helps maintain a loyal customer base and identify opportunities for upsells and cross-sells. They provide actionable insights into the customer journey, helping tailor sales strategies that enhance customer experiences and outcomes.

Selecting the right sales KPIs

Selecting the right KPIs is crucial for effective management and scalable growth. Proper KPIs should:

  • Align with business goals: They must align with the strategic vision and operational objectives of the company.

  • Provide a balanced view: Combining different types of KPIs offers a holistic view of the business, balancing long-term strategic goals with short-term operational and tactical achievements.

  • Enable informed decisions: With precise KPIs, sales leaders can back their decisions with solid data, ensuring strategies are both proactive and reactive to market conditions.

Best practices for selecting and implementing sales KPIs

  1. Involve key stakeholders: Collaboration across departments ensures KPIs reflect comprehensive business needs and get broad-based support.

  2. Define clear and measurable KPIs: Precision in KPI definitions prevents ambiguity and ensures that all team members understand what success looks like.

  3. Establish KPI targets and thresholds: Targets should be ambitious yet achievable, tailored to push the company towards its strategic objectives.

  4. Regularly review and adjust KPIs: Dynamically adapting KPIs in response to evolving business strategies and market conditions keeps the company agile and competitive.

  5. Ensure data accuracy and accessibility: Robust data systems and transparent processes are essential for providing insights needed for timely and effective decision-making.

  6. Use sales performance management tools: Sales performance management platforms, such as Forecastio, can recommend the right sales KPIs for your company and assist in gathering CRM data and calculating them.

The 20 most important KPIs for sales leaders

This comprehensive guide breaks down the 20 most critical KPIs every sales operations and sales leader should monitor.

With these metrics, you will demonstrate control over your sales operations in addition to developing strategic foresight for team and business growth.

Core sales metrics

1. Win Rate

Definition: The percentage of deals won over the total number of closed deals.

Importance: Indicates the effectiveness of the sales team and the appeal of your product to the market.

Calculation: Win Rate = (Number of Deals Won / Total Number of Closed Deals) × 100%

2. Sales Cycle Length

Definition: The length of time it takes to close a deal.

Importance: Helps understand sales process efficiency and forecast sales timelines.

Calculation: The average number of days from opportunity creation to closing a deal across all deals in a pipeline.

3. Average Deal Size

Definition: The average revenue expected from each closed deal.

Importance: Assists in predicting revenue and setting realistic sales targets.

Calculation: Average Deal Size = Total Revenue / Number of Deals Closed

4. Total Sales

Definition: The total revenue generated by the sales department.

Importance: A direct indicator of sales team performance and company bottom line.

Calculation: Sum of all sales revenue within a specific period.

5. Total Sales Growth Rate

Definition: The rate at which company sales revenue increases over time.

Importance: Critical for assessing the business's growth trajectory.

Calculation: Growth Rate = ((Current Period Sales - Previous Period Sales) / Previous Period Sales) × 100%

Pipeline and Deals

6. Pipeline Growth Rate

Definition: The growth of the sales pipeline in terms of the number of opportunities or the total amount of potential revenue.

Importance: Gauging the health and potential future success of sales efforts.

Calculation: Pipeline Growth = ((Current Pipeline Value - Previous Pipeline Value) / Previous Pipeline Value) × 100%

7. New Pipeline Generated

Definition: The total value of new opportunities added to the pipeline within a given timeframe.

Importance: Reflects the effectiveness of lead generation activities and marketing campaigns.

Calculation: Sum of the value of all new deals added to the pipeline.

8. Close Rate

Definition: Сlosing rate is the number of closed won deals compared against the total number of sales opportunities or deals reps handled in a specific period.

Importance: Measures the efficacy of the sales funnel and closing techniques.

Calculation: Close Rate = (Number of Deals Closed / Number of Deals in a Pipeline) × 100%

9. Deal Slippage Rate

Definition: The percentage of deals postponed or moved out of the expected closing period.

Importance: Helps identify issues with sales execution and forecast accuracy.

Calculation: Slippage Rate = (Number of Slipped Deals / Total Deals Planned for Closure) × 100%

10. Conversion at Pipeline Stage

Definition: The conversion rate of opportunities from one stage of the sales pipeline to the next.

Importance: Crucial for pinpointing bottlenecks in the sales process.

Calculation: Conversion rates for each stage transition within the pipeline.

11. Average Time by Pipeline Stage

Definition: The mean duration of time that opportunities spend at each stage of the sales pipeline.

Importance: Identifies the stages at which deals are stuck and the stages that most significantly impact the sales cycle length.

Calculation: Average time per stage across all deals.

12. Pipeline Coverage

Definition: The ratio of pipeline value to sales quota; measures whether there is sufficient pipeline to meet future sales targets.

Importance: Ensure sales targets are realistic and achievable based on current pipeline volume.

Calculation: Pipeline Coverage = Total Pipeline Value / Sales Quota


13. Average Sales Amount per Rep

Definition: The average revenue generated per sales representative.

Importance: Assesses individual sales performance and helps allocate resources.

Calculation: Average Sales per Rep = Total Sales / Number of Sales Reps

14. Ramp-up Period

Definition: The time it takes a new sales rep to achieve full productivity.

Importance: Impacts hiring strategies and training processes.

Calculation: Average duration from hire date to reaching full sales quota.

15. Turnover Rate

Definition: The percentage of sales personnel leaving the company during a given period.

Importance: A high turnover rate can indicate dissatisfaction and disrupt sales operations.

Calculation: Turnover Rate = (Number of Departures / Total Number of Sales Reps at Start of Period) × 100%

Overall sales efficiency

16. Sales Velocity

Definition: The speed at which a business secures revenue from its pipeline.

Importance: Measures the speed and efficiency of turning prospects into revenue.

Calculation: Sales Velocity = (Pipeline Value × Win Rate × Average Deal Size) / Sales Cycle Length

17. Sales Efficiency

Definition: The efficiency of the sales process in terms of revenue earned versus sales expenses.

Importance: Indicates how well resources are utilized to generate sales.

Calculation: Sales Efficiency = Total Sales / Sales Expenses

18. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Definition: The total cost associated with acquiring a new customer.

Importance: Essential for evaluating customer acquisition strategies' profitability.

Calculation: CAC = Total Sales and Marketing Expenses / Number of New Customers Acquired

19. Average Quota Attainment Rate

Definition: The average percentage of sales quota achieved across the sales team. 

Importance: Reflects the overall effectiveness and motivation of the sales force. 

Calculation: Average Quota Attainment = (Total Sales / Total Quota) × 100%

20. Forecast Accuracy

Definition: The percentage of how close actual sales are to forecasted sales.

Importance: A crucial metric for assessing sales forecast precision.

Calculation: Forecast Accuracy = (Actual Sales / Forecasted Sales) × 100%

Benchmarks for Sales KPIs

Leveraging industry standards

Understanding industry standards for KPIs helps sales leaders gauge their team's performance against competitors and identify areas for improvement. Benchmarking against industry averages for metrics such as Win Rate, Sales Cycle Length, and Average Deal Size provides a realistic baseline and fosters competitive advantage.

Utilizing historical data

Historical performance data is invaluable for setting realistic KPI targets. By analyzing trends over time, sales leaders can forecast future outcomes more accurately and set achievable goals that motivate teams and drive productivity.

Aligning with company goals

KPIs must reflect the organization's strategic objectives to be truly effective. Whether it's scaling operations, increasing market share, or improving customer satisfaction, each KPI should directly support the company's overarching goals.

Sales dashboards for KPI tracking

The power of revenue operations dashboards

Revenue and sales operations dashboards are essential tools for visualizing complex data in an understandable format. They provide at-a-glance insights that dynamically track sales performance against KPIs, highlight trends, and pinpoint issues in real-time.

High-quality data

Data integrity and clarity are critical for actionable insights. Ensuring that data is accurate, accessible, and clearly defined enables sales leaders to make informed decisions quickly and confidently.

Forecastio: Track what matters and receive real-time insights

Forecastio enables you to focus on the metrics that truly matter. By integrating with your sales stack, Forecastio automates data collection and monitors tens of sales KPIs and metrics, notifying sales leaders when they need to take action. This frees up time for the VP and head of Sales to focus on strategy and execution.

Forecastio aligns sales planning with execution in real-time, enhancing sales efficiency.

Sales KPI FAQs

Are more KPIs always better?

Not necessarily. While it's crucial to cover different aspects of your sales process, focusing on too many KPIs can overwhelm your efforts and distract you from your core goals. Select KPIs that indicate your success and align closely with your strategic objectives.

How often should we review our KPIs?

KPIs should be reviewed regularly, but the frequency can vary based on the nature of the KPI and your sales cycle. Monthly reviews are common, but some KPIs may require weekly or even daily monitoring to be truly effective.

Can KPIs change over time?

Absolutely. As your business evolves, so too should your KPIs. Regularly reassess your KPIs to ensure they remain aligned with your current business objectives and market conditions.

Final thoughts on sales KPIs

Sales KPIs are a journey of discovery, strategy, and refinement. By carefully selecting and tracking the right KPIs, sales teams unlock actionable insights, driving optimization at every turn. These metrics, when chosen with care and monitored with precision, can illuminate the path to achieving and surpassing your business goals.

The motivation

Now is the time to look at your current sales metrics and KPIs.

Are they aligned with your strategic goals?

Are they providing the insights you need to drive sales success?

If you're ready to enhance your sales planning and strategy, let this article's insights be your guide.

Take a deeper look at your sales processes, use Forecastio, and set new KPIs to succeed.

It's time to take the next step on the road to optimized sales and sustainable growth.

Dmytro Chervonyi
Dmytro Chervonyi
Dmytro Chervonyi

Dmytro Chervonyi

CMO at Forecastio


Dmytro is a seasoned marketing professional with over 10 years in the B2B and startup ecosystem. He is passionate about helping companies better plan their revenue goals, improve forecast accuracy, and proactively address performance bottlenecks or seize growth opportunities.


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