Revenue Operations

Revenue Operations

Strategies for reducing SMB churn in SaaS

Dmytro Chervonyi

Dmytro Chervonyi

CMO at Forecastio

Apr 4, 2024

5 Min

In the dynamic world of Software as a Service (SaaS) for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), growth is not just a goal; it's a necessity. However, as many SaaS companies navigate these waters, they encounter a significant barrier: churn rates.

The average monthly churn rate of SMB SaaS companies oscillates between 3% and 7%, the high churn rate is not just a hurdle, but an existential crisis.

The root causes of churn in this sector are multifaceted. Small businesses, with their limited budgets and rapid operational cycles, can swiftly pivot away from services that no longer meet their immediate needs or budget constraints. This creates a challenging environment for SaaS providers, as forecasting revenue and maintaining customer loyalty becomes increasingly complex.

Despite these challenges, accepting high churn rates as inevitable can be a critical mistake. Instead, innovative strategies to enhance the Net Revenue Retention Rate (NRR) offer a lifeline for SaaS companies eager to maintain growth momentum.

Here, we explore actionable insights and tips for tackling churn and propelling your SaaS business forward.

Understanding churn: a closer look

Churn in SMB SaaS can feel like battling a hydra – address one issue, and two more arise. The reasons are straightforward yet daunting:

  1. Business volatility: Small companies often have shorter lifespans, making them unpredictable customers.

  2. Budget sensitivity: SMBs monitor every expense closely, cutting costs as quickly as possible, including software, when necessary.

  3. Rapid decision-making: The pace at which small companies make purchase decisions is both a blessing and a curse for SaaS providers. Acquisition ease also means ease of departure.

Recognizing these challenges is the first step toward formulating a robust strategy to combat churn.

Strategies to combat churn and boost NRR

While completely eradicating churn might be an unrealistic goal, there are effective strategies to mitigate its impact and enhance your SaaS company's growth potential:

1. Targeting larger accounts

One proven method is shifting your market focus towards larger, more stable accounts. This doesn't mean abandoning the SMB sector but rather expanding your target market to include mid-sized businesses. These organizations typically have more robust budgets and a longer-term view, making them less likely to churn quickly.

Forecastio has a What-if scenario in its sales planning module where you can easily build different scenarios based on average deal size.

2. Expand your product offerings

Transforming your SaaS company into a multi-product powerhouse can significantly increase deal value within your existing customer base. By offering additional products or services that complement your primary offering, you enhance your customers' utility but also deepen their commitment to your ecosystem.

3. Refine onboarding and customer support

An often-overlooked aspect of reducing churn is the onboarding process and ongoing customer support. Effective onboarding that highlights the value and utility of your service can solidify a customer's decision to choose you. Similarly, responsive and proactive customer support can address concerns and issues before they lead to churn.

4. Continuously innovating

Introducing new features and improvements that address your customers' evolving needs can be a powerful retention tool. Keeping your service relevant and indispensable is key to maintaining long-term customer relationships.

The importance of early focus on churn and retention

Many SaaS founders overlook churn and retention rates, dazzled by rapid account acquisition. However, this oversight can conceal underlying issues that, if unaddressed, can severely impede growth in the long run. Early attention to these metrics can provide valuable insights into customer satisfaction and service value, guiding strategic decisions that enhance growth and stability.

Actionable insights for your SaaS strategy

Implementing the strategies outlined above requires a nuanced understanding of your customers' needs and a commitment to ongoing improvement.

Here are some practical steps to start:

  • Conduct regular customer feedback surveys: Understand why customers leave and what could have kept them.

  • Monitor usage patterns: Identify at-risk customers early by monitoring usage patterns changes.

  • Offer custom solutions: Be flexible in offering solutions tailored to your customers' specific needs, especially larger accounts.

  • Educate your customers: Regularly update your customers on new features and how they can benefit from them.


While high churn rates in SMB SaaS pose significant challenges, they are not impossible to overcome. By adopting strategies that focus on increasing net retention rates, targeting larger accounts, expanding product offerings, and emphasizing customer satisfaction, SaaS companies can navigate these turbulent waters with confidence.

Next steps

Explore Forecastio platform for advanced insights and tools designed to enhance sales outcomes. Together, we can turn the tide on churn and chart a course toward sustained growth and success in the SMB SaaS sector.

Dmytro Chervonyi
Dmytro Chervonyi
Dmytro Chervonyi

Dmytro Chervonyi

CMO at Forecastio


Dmytro is a seasoned marketing professional with over 10 years in the B2B and startup ecosystem. He is passionate about helping companies better plan their revenue goals, improve forecast accuracy, and proactively address performance bottlenecks or seize growth opportunities.


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