Revenue Operations

Revenue Operations

How to Optimize Account Executive Ramp-Up Time

Alex Zlotko

Alex Zlotko

CEO at Forecastio

Apr 19, 2024

4 Min

How to Optimize Account Executive Ramp-Up Time
How to Optimize Account Executive Ramp-Up Time
How to Optimize Account Executive Ramp-Up Time
How to Optimize Account Executive Ramp-Up Time

Understanding the average ramp-up time for an Account Executive (AE) is crucial for efficient sales planning and meeting revenue targets.

Industry insights suggest that an AE typically takes five months to reach full productivity.

However, the definition of "full productivity" and the methods to measure ramp-up time can significantly impact your operational efficiency and financial outcomes.

What is Ramp-Up time

Ramp-up time is the period for newly hired AE to achieve full productivity after their start date. This metric is pivotal for forecasting sales performance and scheduling hires to optimize revenue without wasting resources on untimely hires.

Challenges in defining full productivity

The traditional view equates full productivity with achieving 100% of sales quotas. However, this can be misleading:

  • Performance variability: High-performing AEs might consistently hit 95% of their quota without ever reaching 100%. Does this mean they are not fully productive?

  • Sales cycle considerations: Another common benchmark is the average sales cycle length plus an arbitrary number of days (often 90). But this does not account for the varying complexities of different products or market segments.

    For example, selling high-value cybersecurity solutions requires a longer ramp-up period than more straightforward products like survey software.

Rethinking Ramp-Up time measurement

To navigate these complexities, it’s essential to adopt a more nuanced approach to defining and measuring ramp-up time. Here are several strategies to consider:

Set clear productivity goals

Establish realistic and clear benchmarks and sales KPIs that indicate when a newly hired AE is fully ramped up. This might mean setting an average quota attainment rate that reflects typical performance levels rather than an unrealistic 100% target.

Incorporate multiple metrics

Beyond quota attainment, consider metrics like win rate or deal size growth to determine whether an AE is performing at par with established peers.

Adjust for sales complexity

Tailor the ramp-up period based on the product complexity and the typical sales cycle. Ensure that the minimum ramp-up period is not shorter than the average sales cycle.

Standardize onboarding processes

Develop a consistent onboarding process that provides all new hires with equal training and resources, facilitating a smooth transition to full productivity.

Enhance training programs

Invest in comprehensive training that not only covers product details and sales techniques but also integrates situational training to handle various sales scenarios effectively.

Actionable tips for Sales Leaders

To further enhance your team's ramp-up process, consider implementing these actionable tips:

Streamline the onboarding experience

  • Pre-onboarding engagement: Initiate contact before the official start date to provide new hires with company materials and introductory resources. This can reduce initial overwhelm and ease the transition into full-time training.

  • Structured mentorship programs: Pair new AEs with experienced mentors who can provide guidance, insider knowledge, and moral support. This can accelerate learning and integration into the company culture.

Leverage technology

  • CRM Training: Ensure comprehensive training on your CRM system and other sales performance software. Familiarity with these tools from the outset can significantly reduce ramp-up time.

  • Sales automation tools: Introduce sales automation tools that streamline repetitive tasks and allow AEs to focus more on selling.

Regular feedback and adjustments

  • Continuous feedback loop: Establish a routine of regular feedback sessions that allows new hires to understand their performance and areas of improvement. This should include both formal reviews and informal check-ins.

  • Adjust goals based on feedback: Be prepared to adjust sales targets and strategies based on feedback received from AEs and their mentors during the early months.


There's no one-size-fits-all answer to defining and measuring Account Executive ramp-up time. By understanding the specific needs of your sales process and the complexities of your products, you can set more accurate benchmarks that truly reflect an AE's readiness to contribute effectively to your sales goals.

With Forecastio platform, you can refine your sales planning with capacity planning and ramp-up time to achieve sales goals.  

Alex Zlotko
Alex Zlotko
Alex Zlotko

Alex Zlotko

CEO at Forecastio


Alex is the CEO at Forecastio, bringing over 15 years of experience as a seasoned B2B sales expert and leader in the tech industry. His expertise lies in streamlining sales operations, developing robust go-to-market strategies, enhancing sales planning and forecasting, and refining sales processes.


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